College Schedule Maker

Create a weekly schedule for your school or college in minutes using our free class schedule builder!

When you're done, you can print your schedule, or save it onto your computer for later. You can also export your schedule, so that if you drop or add courses later, you can simply modify your old schedule to accommodate the changes.

Need 24-hour time or want to set Sunday as the first day of the week? Click the Settings button in the upper-right corner of the scheduler to access additional calendar drawing options. Don't worry if you have classes on the weekends or before/after the times on the schedule, as the schedule maker will automatically resize to fit those times as you add them.

If the move from Free College Schedule Maker to Gizmoa made you lose an old saved schedule, download it here and use the Import button to open it.

Need help, or have feedback? Feel free to send us an email, or leave a comment below.